Winxspro A Channel Cross Section Analyzer User's Manual
User's Manual. Hydrologic Modeling System HEC-HMS, User's Manual. This Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) Manual is a U.S. Government document and is not subject to copyright. It may be copied and used free of charge. HEC-HMS Version 4.2.1 Release Notes 6. Hydrologic Modeling System HEC-HMS: User's Manual (Version 4.2 August 2016) contains extensive information on. User manual for iphone.
- Winxspro A Channel Cross Section Analyzer User's Manual Free
- Cross Section Synonyms
- Winxspro A Channel Cross Section Analyzer User's Manual Nalyzer User S Manual Pdf
WinXSPRO electronic resource: a channel cross section analyzer: user's manual / prepared by Thomas Hardy, Palavi Panja, Dean Mathias; produced by USDA Forest Service, Washington Office, Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Air, & Rare Plants Staff, Stream Systems Technology Center U.S. Of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research.
WinXSPRO is an interactive Windows ™ software package designed to analyze stream channel cross section data for geometric, hydraulic, and sediment transport parameters. WinXSPRO was specifically developed for use in high-gradient streams (gradient> 0.01) and supports four alternative resistance equations for computing boundary roughness and resistance to flow. Cross section input data may be from standard cross section surveys using a rod and level or sag-tape procedures. WinXSPRO allows the user to subdivide the channel cross section into multiple sub-sections and has the ability to vary watersurface slopes with discharge to reflect natural conditions. Analysis options include developing stagedischarge relationships, evaluating changes in channel cross-sectional area, and computing sediment transport rates. Resource specialists can use the estimated stream-channel geometry cross section hydraulic characteristics and sediment transport output to assist with channel design and monitoring, instream flow analysis, the restoration of riparian areas, and the placement of instream structures.
Jul 14, 2009 River cross-sections are the prime input to any river hydraulic model for simulation of water level and discharge. Mathias D et al (2005) WinXSPRO, a channel cross section analyzer, user’s manual, version 3.0. Mountain Research Station. Cao Z, Carling PA et al (2006) pointwise and upwind discretizations of source terms in open. Annual resurveys of 48 cross sections & 90 bank erosion pins over 5 years streambed particle size distributions. WinXSPro used to assess volume of channel‐boundary erosion between. WinXSPRO, A channel cross section analyzer, user’s manual, version 3.0. View and Download Sinar AP 6060 user manual online. MOISTURE ANALYZER. AP 6060 Measuring Instruments pdf manual download. Page 6 2.Oscillating Weight Balance Switch on Analyzer by pressing — — f) Press channel number (1—7), e.g. 2 g)Press%H 0. Moisture content will be displayed after 5 seconds, e.g. 14.5 h) Remove the sample cell. Wiinxspro, a Channel Cross Section Analyzer, User's Manual, Version 3.0 Thomas And Others Hardy on shipping on qualifying offers. Jul 04, 2015 WINXSPRO is a software design to analyze stream channel cross section, generate geometric and hydraulic date for single channel flow and perform sediment transport analysis.
Wood jams in stream corridors play an essential role in shaping valley bottoms. Deluxe tunnels and trolls pdf. The Wood Jam Dynamics Database and Assessment Model (WooDDAM), a machine-learning multiple logistic regression statistical model for predicting wood jam dynamics during high flows, has been developed to improve understanding and management of both natural and anthropogenic wood jams in streams and floodplains.
Winxspro A Channel Cross Section Analyzer User's Manual Free
Cross Section Synonyms
WooDDAM is a collaborative data gathering effort for managers and researchers that is intended to build a database and predictive model of natural and anthropogenic wood jam dynamics. The database includes information about wood jam characteristics, channel and valley bottom morphology, hydrologic regime, and how wood jams change during high flows of varying magnitude. Many wood jams are tracked over multiple years, providing temporal change data. This database feeds a statistical model to predict how wood jams change during high flows, which can be used for deciding whether to reintroduce or retain wood jams in streams. Users of this predictive model can easily resurvey wood jams utilizing our field measurement protocol and are encouraged to submit resurvey data to contribute to the database and improve the model.
Winxspro A Channel Cross Section Analyzer User's Manual Nalyzer User S Manual Pdf
The model is available for use and contributions at the Colorado State University WooDDAM website, which hosts the database, model, and instructions for using the tool.