Treasure Hunter Md 3030 Metal Detector User Manual
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Price: $150Avg. Durability: 4.00
Avg. Ease of use: 4.00
Treasure Hunter Md 3030 Metal Detector User Manual Pdf
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Md 3019
It's hard to judge this unit when I don't have something similar to compareto. I have found coins, although the machine seems to fare better incertain type soils. Air tests a quarter at around 8'. If it starts givingmultiple beeps, it's because of EMI. Just back the sensitivity down, butnot too much or you'll lose depth. In you can get the metal mode tunedright, it can go deeper that disc mode.I had a Garrett Ace 250which seemed more consistent than this particular unit. ID can be iffy,again, depending on the soil. All in all, I'd say this unit is a good oneto learn on. Play with the controls. And try different soils until you findwhere the machine fares best.
Max Depth: 8 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user? Yes, absolutely!
RS from California
Works great!!!
Works just as well as any high dollar detector I've used. If it does notwork for you then you probably need a class or two on fine tuning.. Youcan't just pull it out of the box and expect to locate some pirate treasureout on the beach somewhere.. Fine tune people!!!Max Depth: 10 inches on US quarter
Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Would you recommend this to a new user? Yes, absolutely!
Dave from Texas
Detect deep
I have had this unit for about 3 weeks. It is mostly made of plastic andthe yard I have has a lot of trash in it since the house was built in 1902. In the all metal mode I found a lot of nails and rusted hinge.I then read the manual and put the machine in the notch mode and did somefine tuning by placing a quarter in the ground. The machine found coinsevertime and no trash. It works great for me since most coins were 6-9inches deep. I don't understand why people are complaining when they arepaying less than 150.00 for this machine??
Works great for me.
Overall Rating
BOBBY BURRESS from Newport, Ky
Treasure Hunter 3030
Bought mine from Craigs List, paid $80. 00. I've compared it to a ace 250. And its a little heavier but compared well.Overall Rating
Troutville Ted from Va.
Xj9 3050
I bought mine about 6 months ago on Ebay and because of moving didn't get achance to try it until now. Mine just doesn't work. When I put it intoall metal mode it lights up half the bars and emits sound continuously nomatter what you do to the ground balance. Tried to contact seller butnoresponse. Save your money.Overall Rating
Dale from Mn
Treasure Hunter 3030
Unlike many reviews I've looked at here, I throughly enjoy mine, I know howto use it and have read the instruction booklet. It is ignorant to writereviews when you haven't learned to use it properly. I have owned mine foryears and had no problem what so ever. It has been VERY accurate so I don'tunderstand the criticism and obvious lack of knowledge of the metaldetector.READ THE MANUEL BEFORE writing a review. This is a GEM of a tool, light andvery user friendly to those who bother to learn HOW to use it. Instead oftearing it up, send it to me! I love it!
Overall Rating
Metal Dectector USER from UNITED STATES
Chinese junk don't waste your money
White Metal Detector
Was given a treasure hunter 3030 as a gift the worst gift I have evergotten, did an air test right away this is good for 4' max on 50 centpiece, took it to a local park found nothing over 2' nothing about thisdetector works well I have a bounty hunter junior that works better thanthis, but that's what you get from China just junk save your money buyAmerican.Overall Rating
Jack from Ogden Utah
Blackbull - European Treasurehunter
I was very happy to receive my Treasurehunter for Christmas. I'm an amateuramongst beepstickamateurs. I was looking for a low-priced detector withoptions and thats what I've got. In Holland this machine is called theBlack Bull 150.I think this detector is a bit precise in the settings. With all modes setto 'off' and full sensitivity the machine beeps like hell even on dry sand.It's tweaking and testing to find the right setting but still wondering ifI'm not missing most. Although I understand that uneasiness comes with thehobby :)
Mostly I search on all-metal-pinpointing mode which simulates a veryprecise analog MD. Man its deep and its precise. Tone varies in depth andintensity which gives a good indication of size, shape etc with relics.Also the many-incremented steps of the depth-meter give an awsomeindication of the depth of the object. Spot-on, I search with my brotherwho has a Fisher F2, he has only a 3 step depth indicator and thinks thatkinda sucks.
Overall the two machines compare well, the F2 going slightly deeper butalso more sensitive and responding to minor specks of rust which the BlackBull of 3030 miss on full sense. Not always to my disappointment..
Next: Batterylife seems short to average going on 4-5 hours with searchingon pinpoint mode. Also battery connectors are loose wires, not a nice slidein mechanism. Also small headphone jack. Bit loose nuts on the stick. Verylight and with elbowbrace set to right distance, comfortable. No led-light,sucks in darker places. Also with arm extended hard to read display. Smallletters.
Still figuring out the digital modes, because I dont want to spend anafternoon in which I could be searching, with tweaking. Modes are toochattery for now for comfortable searching and I still think it might bebetter if i just went for the analog machine for half the money.
But the pinpointmode is soooo great even better than the F2 I'll probablybe searching with it coming year.
Have fun with this machine. Twice the options of similar machines doublethe price so don't complain. For beginners and non-regular md users its anice buy.
Regarding the flameposts and other haters: Metaldetecting seems to be asport that is dominated by men, and as with all other sports (or any partof life) dominated by men, BIGGER must be BETTER and of course, moreEXPENSIVE is too. Size does matter to the snobs and douchebags. As withfishing and other 'hobby's', a bigger rod doesn't necessarily catch biggerfish. A better spot, however, does..
Happy beeping coming season!!
Overall Rating
Mike from Holland
Don't waste your money
Bought this detector on ebay as new looks great looks new, did an air testand your lucky to get a beep at 6'with a quarter also have a problem withit moving off all metal to disc. or notch some kind of problem with thisnew unit contacted the home office to try to get it fixed got no response,in my opinion this company is a scam be better off with bounty hunter orfisher for the same price at least they work.Overall Rating
Mike from Salt lake city, utah
Brilliant for money
Quality a little suspect! ie locknuts wont tighten, stem becomes loose andfloopy, rather than wait for new lockuts, I decided to drill small hole inbottom stem through locating stud holes and put in small self tappingscrew, its now really rigid.Get this machine for the money I paid less than £100 Its a lot of fun verydeep, easy to use and dare I say its better than my Garrett 200.
Overall Rating
Frank from Uk
Price: $150
Avg. Durability: 4.00
Avg. Ease of use: 4.00
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Fisher F11 $159
Minelab GO-FIND 20 $180
Bounty Hunter Lone Star Pro $199
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Whites Coinmaster $180
Teknetics Alpha 2000 $200
Trusty Little Machine
This machine has excellent performance and not too many controls so someonelike me can easily undersant what type of metal it is, and how deep it is.I have already found one gold plated small statue and many coins in myfirst 1-hour session. I was really impressed at how deep this detector willdetect metal. I decided to give it a test and buried my keys 15' inthe sand at the beach and this detector still have a strong signal.. it istons of fun :o)I was thinking about upgrading to the XJ9-3050 model from Treasure Hunter,but can not find any reviews.. Has anyone tried this detector?
Overall Rating
Jackson Wright from Ocean Isle, NC
I brought mine for $250nzd (cheap)! I'm finding all sorts..this detectoris awesome for the price. Don't believe me? Youtube metal detecting newzealand and watch my vids 'madsonicboating' coins, jewellery,trinkets etcOverall Rating
Dan from New zealand
Great depth
I purchased my 3030 about 2-3 mnths ago off ebay for 137.00 . I have neverused a metal detector before. I have found everything, rings-necklaces- coins galore. And this machine picked up 4 quarters and 2 dimes that wereburied maybe 15 inches in the ground at a play ground with a woodchip bed on the first 7 inches. I couldnt believe it.For the money this thing is great and I use it in salt water and on thebeach. very cool.
It does look a little cheap. But the machine works very well and isnt toheavy.
Im Happy.
Overall Rating
Happy Customer from Florida
Lock nut does not work
I find it's quite good at detecting.Unfortunately the lock nut does not tighten
after I only used it a few times.
I am however waiting of spare parts to arrive.
At the moment I am using electrical tape to stop it from sliding out
Overall Rating
Jason from U.K
I love my 3030
I purchased my 3030 detector from ebay and I could not be more pleased. Ihave a (now non-working) White XLT detector that I have gone over my fieldmany times with. Low and behold when I went back over it with my new 3030 Iturned up tons of old coins and even a civil war metal. For the price,$200, you can't beat this detector.Overall Rating
Steve from Myrtle Beach, SC
Treasure Hunter 3030 is great
I bought this detector for my son so we could go detecting together. Paid$200 on ebay, and I noticed he was getting more finds than me!! I tried itout and sure enough it detects deeper with better discrimination. Mydetector is a Whites Classic 5 ID but I really prefer the 3030 detector.Overall Rating
John Wayland from Scottsdale, AZ
Great in both performance and value
I had a minelab explorer, it got stolen, and I bought a Treasure Hunter3030, and went over where days before I used my minelab and bam, coins, andeven a war medal, I am 100% satisfied with this in both quality and price.Overall Rating
Billy from Qld Australia
3030 trseure hunter
I bought my 3030 at around $180. If you shop around you can get it for alot cheaper. I was expecting a much better product. It really does not gothat deep. I will say about 15 inches max. It is true that the coindiscriminator confuses all kinds of metal. I'm new to this hobby, But, liveand learn.Overall Rating
Anonymous from Usa
Very happy
I purchased this same model(ebay)I think from looking at pictures. Althoughmy manual has 3010/GC-1010 metal Detector on the front cover. As far as ican tell this is the same unit. Pictures are identical as the one i have.Anyway this is my 1st detector, and i have to say i'm very happy. I havefound a 50 cent piece, a couple of quaters, a few dims, a nickel or two,and a fist full of pennies within hours of 1st using it.
I'm happy with it. My wife bought it for under $160.00 including shipping.I may have been able to pick up cheaper with so more time to research.
Hope you enjoy yours!
Overall Rating
Freedom420 from Cave Junction, OR.
Treasure Hunter 3030
There are several seller sof these detectors - trick is finding thecheapest. I bought one from Maplins and found it was useful up to a depthof 5' which considering on some fields coins are found 4-6' which means youwill find something. Maplins do better models around £100 which will godeeper - 8-10'.Its okay for experienced detectorists to slate cheaper machines, but ifyour only a beginer you probably get better value for money on one of thesethan bottom range well known brands - not everyone has £600 to spend.There is a fair amount of snobery involved with detecting especially wheremachines are concerned.
Overall Rating
Dig Doug from UK